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What is Thrush ?

Thrush, also called candida albicans, it is a yeast that lives harmlessly on the skin and in the mouth, gut and vagina. Thrush is very common cause of unusual vaginal discharge: Three out of four women will have thrush at some point in their lives. Normally it is kept under control by harmless bacteria. Occasionally conditions change and the yeast increases rapidly causing symptoms. This is commonly known as thrush, or thrush infection.

Symptoms of Thrush

Some people will have no symptoms and not aware they have a thrush infection.


If symptoms develop in women you might notice itching, soreness and redness around the vagina, vulva or anus. A thick white discharge that looks like cottage cheese and smells yeasty, but not unpleasant. There may be pain when passing urine, and pain when having sex.


In men there is usually irritation, burning or itching under the foreskin or on the tip of the penis. Also redness, or red patches, under the foreskin. A thick discharge, like cottage cheese, under the foreskin, also difficulty in pulling back the foreskin.

Testing for Thrush

The Doctor will use a swab to collect a sample of cells. The swab is wiped over the parts of the body that may be affected and easily picks up samples of discharge. It takes a few seconds and is not painful. Swabs may be taken from the vagina during internal examination in women, the genital area, and the foreskin. Samples taken during the examination are looked at under a microscope to check for thrush infection and the results are usually available immediately.

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Treatment for Thrush

Treatment is simple for both men and women. You may be given some anti-fungal cream, pessaries, pills or a combination. Advice will be given on how to use the treatment. The cream is applied externally to the genital area. A pessary is usually an almond-shaped tablet which a woman puts into the vagina.

Prevention of Thrush

Different people find different triggers cause vaginal thrush infection. For example:

  • Avoid wearing tight, restrictive or synthetic clothing, such as tights and nylon underwear

  • Use pads rather than tampons during a period

  • Avoid perfumed soaps, bubble bath, genital sprays

  • Avoid douching

If prescribed an antibiotic for another condition, remind your doctor you tend to get thrush.


Complications from Thrush

Some anti-fungal products can weaken latex condoms, diaphragms and caps, which should not be used during treatment.


I May Have Thrush

If you have any concerns relating to this condition, or any conditions described on this website, please contact the Sunshine Clinic by telephone to arrange an appointment with Dr Sood, 0845 505 0552


Sunshine Clinic
The Private Health Clinic

Dr Prabhat Sood 

Consultant Physician, General Internal Medicine

Tropical and Travel Medicine, Genitourinary and HIV Medicine

West Midlands Hospital Colman Hill, Halesowen West Midlands, B63 2AH

Rowley Hall Hospital Rowley Park, Stafford ST17 9AQ

24 Hour Telephonic Consultation


0800 054 8928

Appointments available 24/7

Stourside Hospital, 60 Bradley Road, Stourbridge, DY8 1UX

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